Privacy Policy and Personal Data Processing

Privacy Policy

MebelTrans SIA registration number LV40203018897, legal address is Brīvības gatve 362 - 1, Rīga, LV-1006 (here in after referred to as MebelTrans SIA) as a DATA CONTROLLER, took the obligation to protect the personal data of each CUSTOMER. Based on this and in accordance with the principles of the "General Data Protection Regulation of the GDPR, European Union Regulation Nr.2016 / 679" we have updated the rules of the Privacy Policy regarding the collection, use, processing and storage of personal data. Now all the work with information is carried out according to the regulations of the GDPR, in order to ensure the right of each CLIENT to the confidentiality of personal data.

Personal Data Processing

MebelTrans SIA as the DATA CONTROLLER will process the following personal data about the CLIENT:

  • identification information: first name, last name, personal identification number;
  • contact information: phone number, email address, mailing address;
  • payment information: name of the bank, account number.

We undertake to ensure the accuracy of processing of personal data of the CLIENT, we guarantee non-disclosure and security of all personal information that will be stored in our database. Information will be available to individual employees for the performance of work duties, only in accordance with the purposes and bases for data processing established by the provisions "General Data Protection Regulation of the GDPR, European Union Regulation Nr.2016 / 679".

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Personal data are those, that MebelTrans SIA receives from the CUSTOMER with his consent for the provision of a service: furniture supply to a CUSTOMER, as well as for further communication with the CLIENT. Collection and processing of personal data may be performed as follows:
  • When filling out the form on the internet resource:, (as DATA PROCESSOR) the entered data automatically enters the database: first name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail address.
  • When using a customer profile on the internet resource (as a DATA PROCESSOR), the entered data: name, surname, postal address, phone number, email address - are already in our database, and the CUSTOMER has the status of a registered USER who has agreed to the processing of personal information through a separate agreement sent by email.
  • When paying the invoice issued during the order placement on the internet resource (as a DATA PROCESSOR), the entered data: name, surname, personal code, bank name, account number, order amount, postal address, phone number, email address - will be used in accounting reports.
  • When making a purchase and placing an order in our stores at the following addresses: Gunāra Astras iela 8, Mellužu iela 19-1, (Riga, Latvia), including the online store at following address (as DATA PROCESSORS), or when saving missing data to specify the preferred method of purchase: name, surname, postal address, phone number, email address.
  • When using cookies.

We also collect anonymous data — information that cannot be directly associated with any particular person (gender, age, language preference, location) and by which a person cannot be directly or indirectly identified.

Besides, we can collect general data on visiting our Internet resource: This information is accumulated, analyzed and used exclusively as STATISTICS to obtain information about the quality of web pages and to further improve the Internet resources in the interests of each CUSTOMER. The aggregated data is used in these Privacy Policy Rules as anonymous data with which the VISITOR / CUSTOMER cannot be directly or indirectly identified.

If the CUSTOMER believes that his personal information is misused, he has the right to file a complaint with the European Data Protection Council, or Datu Valsts Inspekcija. According to the "General Data Protection Regulation of the GDPR, European Union Regulation Nr.2016 / 679", we are obliged to inform you about this right, we do not plan to use CUSTOMERS data for other purposes.

Additional use of Collected Personal Data

The security of the personal information of each CUSTOMER will be observed in accordance with the "General Data Protection Regulation of the GDPR, European Union Regulation Nr.2016 / 679". All data will be saved and used only for the provision of a service: furniture supply to a CUSTOMER, as well as for further communication with the CLIENT.

In order to improve the quality of service, MebelTrans SIA may disclose information on individual CLIENTS to third parties under a non-disclosure agreement. The third parties are our business partners, whose duties include the provision of banking services and credit services, and which also act as DATA CONTROLLERS, according to separate credit agreements with the CLIENT.

Personal data may also be used by participants of payment systems (VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX), and related individuals who are also DATA CONTROLLERS.

Storage and Protection of Personal Data

MebelTrans SIA as a DATA CONTROLLER applies all possible precautions to ensure the security of personal data of CUSTOMERS. Information is stored on modern servers with a high degree of protection; only a number of authorized persons have access to the functions for processing and changing.

The CUSTOMER has the full right to change his decision on the storage of personal data by contacting the administration of MebelTrans SIA as a DATA CONTROLLER by email:

The CLIENT has the full right to receive the following information when submitting a written reasoned request:

  • what identification information is collected, how this data was obtained, and when changes were made;
  • what contact information is collected, how this data was obtained, and when changes were made;
  • what payment information is collected, how this was data obtained, and when changes were made;
  • what are the purposes and bases of data collection, how are they processed and used.

The duration of storage of personal data depends on the purposes for which we process them, and the criteria by which we evaluate the storage periods: for the provision of a service: furniture supply to a CUSTOMER, as well as for further communication with the CLIENT. If the CUSTOMER believes that his personal information is misused, he has the right to file a complaint with the European Data Protection Council, or Datu Valsts Inspekcija.


All personal data collected on the internet resource or in the store located at address: Gunāra Astras iela 8, Mellužu iela 19-1, (Riga, Latvia), are considered confidential. The encrypted data channel ensures the security of identification, contact and payment information of the CLIENT. To protect the interests of the CLIENT, we provide:

  • fair and legal processing of personal data;
  • processing of information only in accordance with the specified purpose of use in the required amount;
  • the accuracy of personal data and its timely update, correction or deletion, if the information is incomplete or inaccurate.

The CUSTOMER has every right to reasonably require the addition or correction of his personal data, as well as the termination of their processing or deletion, if the data is outdated, incomplete, false, illegally processed or no longer corresponds to the originally specified purpose and the grounds for their processing.

Terms and Conditions of the Privacy Policy

We proceed from the assumption that before using the internet resource and when placing an order at our store located at address: Gunāra Astras iela 8, Mellužu iela 19-1, (Riga, Latvia), the CUSTOMER has familiarized themselves with these principles and conditions of the Privacy Policy, and has also accepted them. We reserve the right to make changes to the basic terms of the Privacy Policy, if necessary, by informing each CUSTOMER by email.

In order to resolve all emerging issues and problems related to the Privacy Policy or with the protection, use and processing of data, as well as in case the CUSTOMER wants to completely remove all personal information from the profile, you must contact MebelTrans SIA as the DATA CONTROLLER at e-mail:


If the CUSTOMER believes that his personal information is misused, he has the right to file a complaint with the European Data Protection Council, Datu Valsts Inspekcija. According to the "General Data Protection Regulation of the GDPR, European Union Regulation Nr.2016 / 679", we are obliged to inform you about this right, we do not plan to use CUSTOMERS data for other purposes.

MebelTrans SIA | Riga | 01.08.2021
GDPR Agreement from sb-systems | v.2.09 | All rights reserved